
Beef: exports reach 110,400 tonnes in the 3rd week of February

Feb, 22, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202208

Exports of fresh, frozen, or refrigerated beef from Brazil generated US$ 614.111 million in February (14 working days), with a daily average of US$ 43.865 million. The total amount exported by the country reached 110,488 thousand tonnes, with a daily average of 7,892 thousand tonnes. The average price per tonne was US$ 5,558.20.

Compared to February 2021, the average daily value of exports increased by 70.2%, while the average daily amount exported increased by 39.1%, and the average price increased by 22.4%. The information came from the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Services and was made available by the Foreign Trade Secretariat.

Source: Canal Rural

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