Argentina carne de boi - Argentina beef

Bill seeks to ban export of live cattle from Brazil

Oct, 16, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202139

A bill under debate at the National Congress is proposing a ban on exports of animals for slaughter. If passed, the new law could prevent international sales of live cattle. Cattle farmers are calling for the project to be rejected out of respect for economic freedom.

For the president of the Brazilian Angus Association, Nivaldo Dzyekanski, the legislative proposal is a step backward.

“It doesn’t make any sense to talk about banning exports. It is a setback, backwardness for any nation. For Brazil, it would be no different. It would be failing to bring wealth to the country. We are directly against it because this would discourage the producer from continuing to produce”.

The bill that intends to prohibit the export of live animals for slaughter originated from a legislative suggestion. In 2018, a citizen filed the suggestion in the National Congress and the proposal received 20,000 signatures showing support. Earlier this year, the Senate’s human rights and participatory legislation commission analyzed the matter reported by senator Fabiano Contarato and authorized the transformation of the suggestion into a bill. The matter will now be analyzed by the senators who are part of the agriculture commission, and then by the members of the economic affairs committee.

Source: Canal Rural

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