Ports and Terminals

Blau announces new plant, worth R$ 1 billion, in an area of ​​the Port of Suape

Jun, 10, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202125

Blau Farmacêutica chose the state of Pernambuco to house its fifth factory in Brazil. The new unit will be installed 20 kilometers from the wharf at the Port of Suape and will receive investments of R$ 1 billion.

According to the president of the pharmaceutical company, Marcelo Hahn, the new factory will be built on approximately 600,000 square meters and will have 36 production lines. The operation will start in the last quarter of 2023, informed Hahn. In addition to the new unit, the project also provides for an on-site distribution center.

“Our expectation is that in five years, this factory will reach its full capacity. In the future, the plan is to transfer the production lines from São Paulo and Goiás to Pernambuco”, said the executive to Valor.

Blau currently operates three units in São Paulo and one in Goiás. “We must maintain our Research and Development Center and API (Active Pharmaceutical Input) plant in São Paulo,” said Hahn.

The executive also informed that São Paulo, Minas Gerais, and Santa Catarina competed with Pernambuco for the new investment. The choice for the northeastern state was due to the good infrastructure that already exists there. Hahn said that the land already offers natural gas lines, energy, water, road infrastructure, and is within the port area, which would facilitate international trade.

Source: Valor Econômico

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