Bolsonaro afirma que Brasil assinará acordo comercial da UE em breve

Bolsonaro says Brazil will sign EU trade deal soon

Jun, 08, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201924

On Thursday (06/06), President Jair Bolsonaro said that Mercosur will sign a trade deal with the European Union, and thanked Argentinian President Mauricio Macri for his role in pushing for the trade pact.

The European Union, however, denied the statement by the presidents of both countries. “Some issues, including requests considered essential by the EU, remain pending,” said EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström; who also said that the dismantling of the environmental policy by Bolsonaro and allowing for the use of new pesticides may hinder the agreement.

Plans to strengthen Brazil-Argentina ties

In a live broadcast on Facebook on Thursday (06/06), Brazilian Economy Minister Paulo Guedes said closer ties between Brazil and Argentina would revitalize Mercosur.

A spokesman for Argentina´s Ministry of Finance said that the governments of Argentina and Brazil were negotiating the creation of a joint currency that could be called the ‘real peso’, combining the names of the Argentinean peso and Brazil’s real currency. “We are working on that in the medium to long term,” the spokesman told Reuters. The proposed currency could include the other Mercosur partners, Uruguay and Paraguay, according to media reports.

Source: Reuters

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