Ports and Terminals

Boxship dockings mark new phase with regular calls for Itajaí Port

Sep, 23, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202438

A Maersk vessel docked at the Port of Itajaí on Monday (23) to load 200 containers with Seara products for export, marking the resumption of regular container ship calls at the port.

Two more MSC vessels are scheduled to dock in Itajaí within the week, one on Wednesday (25) and the other on Monday (30), also to handle Seara shipments.

JBS/Seara, which took over container operations at the Port of Itajaí, has not yet issued an official statement regarding these dockings. However, sources have indicated that these three calls are seen internally as a “restart” for the port.

“We won’t stop now,” a source told the column.

These three upcoming vessel calls will take place at public berths. JBS is still awaiting customs clearance for the concession area from the Federal Revenue Service, with expectations that the process will be completed this week.

The three vessels are “extra loaders,” meaning they are not part of regular service contracts. The port’s regular services, with at least five confirmed shipping lines, will begin on October 1.

The lines will be phased gradually through November, ensuring maximum container throughput at the Port of Itajaí.

Source: NSC Total

Original text available at: https://www.nsctotal.com.br/colunistas/saavedra/novo-porto-em-sc-com-investimento-de-r-2-bilhoes-tem-estimativa-de-inicio-das-obras

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