Ports and Terminals

Brado plans new routes and will start container train operation on the north-south railway

Jul, 24, 2023 Posted by Lillian Smoak

Week 202331

The completion of the works carried out by Rumo on the North-South Railway will leverage a new cycle of development and opportunities for the states of Goiás, Tocantins and the Federal District. Brado should start operations with containers in the section that connects Goiás to the Port of Santos in the coming weeks. Different from the “traditional” train wagons, the containers allow diversifying the service, accommodating different loads, from agricultural to industrialized products.

From Porto Seco Centro-Oeste, in Anápolis, the export markets of cotton, mining, steel, and food, including sugar, soybean meal and grains in containers, will be served by rail, in addition to beef proteins through operations with reefer containers. Currently, these markets already move about 45 thousand containers a year and more than 65% are destined for the Port of Santos.

Import ensures complete flow

Brado’s new operating route from Santos connected to the North-South Railroad will capture the import markets for inputs that supply industries and agribusiness in the state of Goiás, in addition to consumer goods that will be distributed to the populations of Goiás, the Federal District and southern Tocantins. Among imports, the segments of agrochemicals, machine parts, equipment and plastics stand out. These markets handle more than 16,500 containers a year.

The solution represents a paradigm shift in Brazilian logistics. “The usual flow is unbalanced: road and rail assets go to full ports and return to the interior with great idleness. The import operations will move the so-called return flow, bound for the interior of the country, with the trains circulating practically full in both directions”, says Daniel Salcedo, commercial director of Brado Logística. In addition to more efficient logistics, the so-called return route ensures more sustainability in cargo transport.

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