Trade Regulations

Brazil and Argentina sign agricultural cooperation agreement

Feb, 16, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202008

Representatives from Brazil and Argentina signed an agreement last week to diversify agricultural trade between the two countries.

At the bilateral meeting, held in Brasília, Brazil’s Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) and the National Service for Health and Agri-Food Quality of Argentina (Senasa) reiterated their willingness to work together in a close and coordinated manner.

One of the items on the agenda was Argentina’s approval of the International Health Certificate (SCI) for Brazilian frog meat exports. Another item was the approval by Argentina of the International Animal Health Certificate (CZI) for exports of Brazilian swine semen.

Brazil approved the CZI for imports of Argentine breeding cattle. “Brazil and Argentina are committed, in the spirit of their friendly and important relationship in the agricultural field, to make every effort to ensure that any pending issues are resolved as quickly as possible”, say the minutes of the meeting.

The two countries agreed that a business mission will be sent from Brazil to Argentina by July 10 to carry out maintenance audits for beef, dairy and fish industries. Within the same timeframe, Argentina will send a mission to Brazil to audit beef products and visit sites to discuss compartmentalization of poultry.

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