Trade Regulations

Brazil and Paraguay announce automotive deal negotiation

Sep, 11, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 201938

Brazil and Paraguay announced last Monday (09/09), in Brasília, the beginning of negotiations of a bilateral automotive agreement. The information was given by Brazilian Foreign Minister Ernesto Araújo after meeting with Paraguayan Foreign Minister Antonio Rivas Palacios, who arrived in Brazil with a delegation of government officials from the neighboring country.

According to Ernesto Araújo, the two countries “live in a moment of great convergence of policies and worldview.”

“We are in an ideal moment to put into practice a strategic policy for Brazil and Paraguay,” said the Paraguayan Foreign Minister.

The ministers stressed that one of the milestones of the good relationship between the two countries is the construction of three bridges between Brazil and Paraguay. According to Ernesto Araújo, they will “dramatically increase the connectivity and competitiveness of the regions that will benefit” from the projects.

For Antonio Palacios, the construction of the bridges is important because it means that both countries have moved from speech to practice. He specifically cited the case of the bridge to be built by the Paraguayan side of Itaipu Binacional. This bridge, to be built between the Mato Grosso do Sul municipality of Porto Murtinho and the Paraguayan city of Carmelo Peralta, will serve as the base for the bioceanic road corridor that will link the Brazilian coast with the Chilean coast. The road will pass through the Midwest of Brazil and later through the Paraguayan Chaco; then the corridor goes through the Argentine northwest before reaching Chile.

Source: Agência Brasil

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