Ports and Terminals

Brazil and Plate port & terminal rankings: January-August 2020

Oct, 19, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202043

The Port of Santos remains the leader in Brazil in terms of container imports and exports. Exports grew by 6.34% between January-August 2020 year-on-year, and imports fell 15.15% in the same period comparison. Paranaguá, ranked second, also saw increased exports (+8.13%) and decreased imports (-7.26%).

Port Rankings: Brazilian exports (TEU) | Jan-August 

wdt_ID PORTS 2019 2020 % Change
1 SANTOS 652.927 694.304 6.34%
2 PARANAGUA 238.268 257.643 8.13%
3 NAVEGANTES 181.220 203.491 12.29%
4 RIO GRANDE 154.178 148.910 -3.42%
5 ITAPOA 124.143 113.047 -8.94%
6 ITAJAI 89.683 109.297 21.87%
7 SALVADOR 60.446 62.363 3.17%
8 RIO DE JANEIRO 64.649 60.295 -6.74%
9 VITORIA 47.354 47.339 -0.03%
10 VILA DO CONDE 36.053 33.006 -8.45%
11 PORTO DE ITAGUAI 22.412 17.120 -23.61%
12 SUAPE 14.556 16.355 12.36%
13 PECEM 11.196 16.203 44.72%
14 FORTALEZA 12.659 11.364 -10.23%
15 NATAL 9.834 11.286 14.77%
16 MANAUS 11.304 9.473 -16.20%
17 OUTROS 1.414 695 -50.85%

Source: DataLiner


Port Rankings: Brazilian imports (TEU) | Jan-August 

wdt_ID PORTS 2019 2020 % Change
1 SANTOS 640.360 543.370 -15.15%
2 PARANAGUA 164.950 152.979 -7.26%
3 NAVEGANTES 148.263 124.854 -15.79%
4 ITAPOA 118.137 102.965 -12.84%
5 MANAUS 106.820 102.841 -3.72%
6 ITAJAI 70.509 83.121 17.89%
7 RIO DE JANEIRO 87.274 70.274 -19.48%
8 SUAPE 53.862 46.392 -13.87%
9 RIO GRANDE 52.047 42.233 -18.86%
10 SALVADOR 45.549 41.959 -7.88%
11 VITORIA 40.042 33.801 -15.59%
12 PECEM 19.624 22.332 13.80%
13 PORTO DE ITAGUAI 26.793 15.649 -41.59%
14 VILA DO CONDE 5.247 5.298 0.97%
15 FORTALEZA 1.298 860 -33.74%
16 NATAL 413 321 -22.15%
17 OUTROS 1.244 736 -40.84%

Source: DataLiner


In the Plate region, the Port of Buenos Aires led container exports which rose by 9.15% between January-August 2020 compared to the same period in 2019. Imports fell 13.88% in the first eight months of 2020 compared to the same period in 2019:

Port Rankings: Plate exports (TEU) | Jan-August 

wdt_ID PORTS 2019 2020 % Change
1 BUENOS AIRES 255.104 278.458 9.15%
2 MONTEVIDEO 130.403 139.061 6.64%
3 ZARATE 20.860 21.653 3.80%
4 SAN ANTONIO ESTE 10.756 13.334 23.97%
5 ROSARIO 15.180 12.503 -17.64%
6 BAHIA BLANCA 8.964 6.654 -25.77%
7 PUERTO MADRYN 6.972 4.642 -33.42%
8 MAR DEL PLATA 42 716 1604.76%
9 PUERTO DESEADO 252 708 180.95%
10 LA PLATA 766 627 -18.15%

Source: DataLiner


Port Rankings: Plate imports (TEU) | Jan-August 

wdt_ID PORTS 2019 2020 % Change
1 BUENOS AIRES 352.343 303.432 -13.88%
2 MONTEVIDEO 103.776 93.764 -9.65%
3 ZARATE 35.063 29.444 -16.03%
4 ROSARIO 13.143 12.105 -7.90%
5 USHUAIA 7.865 9.935 26.32%
6 PUERTO MADRYN 1.744 1.554 -10.89%
7 PUERTO DESEADO 613 374 -38.99%
8 BAHIA BLANCA 732 149 -79.64%
9 MAR DEL PLATA 209 94 -55.02%
10 SANTA FE 15 30 100.00%
11 LAS PALMAS +AR 1.930 17 -99.12%
12 CALETA OLIVIA 0 7 0.00%
13 RIO GRANDE(AR) 0 4 0.00%
14 SAN MARTIN 1 2 100.00%
15 COLONIA 20 0 -100.00%

Source: DataLiner


Brazil’s BTP leads the port terminal sector in both imports and exports. See the complete ranking for terminals below:


Port Terminal Rankings – Exports | Jan-August 

wdt_ID Terminal 2019 2020 % Change
1 BTP 297.261 400.496 34.73%
2 TCP 237.833 257.163 8.13%
3 SANTOS BRASIL 273.776 212.442 -22.40%
4 PORTONAVE 181.232 203.443 12.26%
5 TECON RIO GRANDE 150.878 146.184 -3.11%
6 DP WORLD SANTOS 109.010 137.342 25.99%
7 ITAPOA 124.765 114.408 -8.30%
8 APM TERMINALS 88.972 109.050 22.57%
9 TECON SALVADOR 50.704 52.649 3.84%
10 MULTI-RIO 44.643 45.477 1.87%
11 TEC P1 33.315 31.139 -6.53%
12 LIBRA TERMINAL 23.647 21.322 -9.83%
13 SEPETIBA TECON 17.593 16.045 -8.80%
14 CAIS PUBLICO PECEM 7.629 12.165 59.46%
15 CAIS PUBLICO NATAL 10.009 11.264 12.54%
16 OUTROS 81.030 41.602 -48.66%

Source: DataLiner


Port Terminal Rankings – Imports | Jan-August 

wdt_ID Terminal 2019 2020 % Change
1 BTP 303.193 259.004 -14.57%
2 SANTOS BRASIL 291.376 251.779 -13.59%
3 TCP 159.043 145.729 -8.37%
4 PORTONAVE 144.919 123.867 -14.53%
5 DP WORLD SANTOS 87.622 109.528 25.00%
6 ITAPOA 120.062 105.632 -12.02%
7 APM TERMINALS 69.126 76.368 10.48%
8 TERMINAL CHIBATAO 50.559 51.734 2.32%
9 MULTI-RIO 50.723 40.028 -21.09%
10 TECON RIO GRANDE 50.114 39.918 -20.35%
11 TECON SUAPE 48.874 37.631 -23.00%
12 LIBRA TERMINAL 40.976 35.861 -12.48%
13 SUPER TERMINAIS 34.749 30.550 -12.08%
14 TECON SALVADOR 36.401 30.243 -16.92%
15 SEPETIBA TECON 42.540 29.152 -31.47%
16 OUTROS 52.153 22.961 -55.97%

Source: DataLiner


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