
Brazil announces trade, diplomatic wins with Egypt and Ethiopia

Dec, 19, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202346

Over the past week, Brazil’s Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock celebrated significant wins achieved during international missions in Egypt and Ethiopia. With the active involvement of the Deputy Secretary of Commerce and International Relations, Júlio Ramos, the Ministry successfully strengthened commercial and diplomatic ties with both African nations.

In Egypt, a highlight was the opening of the 74th new market for the Brazilian agribusiness sector, focusing on the export of fish and related products. In 2023 alone, the country recorded transactions exceeding 550 million dollars in this market.

This significant accomplishment was formalized during a meeting attended by Deputy Secretary Júlio Ramos, Saad Moussa (Deputy Minister of International Relations of the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture), Bernardo Penha Brasil (Minister-Counselor of the Brazilian Embassy in Egypt), and Rafael Mohana (Agricultural Attaché of the Ministry of Agriculture in Egypt). The meeting also initiated discussions for establishing two additional export fronts for Brazilian agricultural products, which are currently under consideration by the Egyptian government.

Furthermore, the Ministry’s delegation conducted seminars and bilateral meetings on trade agreements in Egypt and Ethiopia, focusing on the first half of 2024. Discussions involving representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ApexBrasil addressed strengthening commercial relations and promoting the Brazilian agribusiness sector.

In Ethiopia, the Ministry’s mission concluded activities in Addis Ababa, the capital and seat of the African Union. The agenda included meetings with representatives from the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture and the Industrial Parks Development Corporation, aiming to enhance bilateral cooperation and exchange agricultural knowledge. During these encounters, Brazil highlighted the strength of its agribusiness sector and identified potential areas for expansion. A support request was also made to facilitate the export of Brazilian agricultural technology expertise.

“These missions represent a significant step for the Ministry of Agriculture of Brazil, not only in expanding markets for Brazilian products but also in consolidating the country’s international relations in the global agricultural landscape,” emphasized Julio Ramos.

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