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Brazil breaks record in household appliances imports in 2023

Nov, 28, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202344

Brazil is witnessing a boom in household appliances imports in 2023, according to data provided by the Secretariat of Foreign Trade. The numbers reveal that imports are approaching the $900 million mark, marking a historic record. The driving force behind this surge is China, contributing 83% of the total, solidifying its undisputed leadership in this scenario.

Experts point to a series of factors that have contributed to this significant increase in appliance imports by Brazilians. Among the highlighted reasons are the constant technological innovations in China, resulting in more advanced and affordable products, and changes in consumption patterns in Brazil, with a growing demand for cutting-edge devices.

The phenomenon is also attributed to the wide range of options offered by the Chinese market, breaking the boundaries of the electronic frontier, encompassing a variety of products ranging from stoves to home automation, catering to all consumer needs. Price competitiveness and product quality have been decisive factors in the choices of Brazilian consumers, who seek to acquire top-notch products without compromising their budgets.

“The products are mass-produced, so they are cheaper, naturally increasing Brazilian consumption. Additionally, China has been producing increasingly better products. Another point is that there has been an investment in the necessary infrastructure to increase productivity,” emphasizes Rodrigo Giraldelli, CEO of China Gate, a company specializing in import consultancy and education.

The growth trend in electronic imports suggests a significant shift in consumer habits and preferences in Brazil. As China continues to lead electronic imports to Brazil, the international market dynamics are being redefined. Observers indicate that this robust partnership can shape the future of the global electronics trade and directly influence the choices of Brazilian consumers in the coming years.

See below Brazil’s imports of home appliances (hs 84) from Jan 2020 to Sep 2023. The data is from DataLiner.

Imports of home appliances | Brazil | Jan 2020 – Sep 2023 | TEU

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

The increase in appliance imports by Brazil in 2023 not only highlights the quest for technological advancements but also opens up a series of opportunities. By solidifying strong partnerships with China, the country positions itself on the path to technological advancement, enjoying innovative products and contributing to a broader economic dynamic. The diversification of Chinese devices not only meets the demands of Brazilian consumers but also stimulates healthy competition in the market.

This record of imports is a testament to Brazil’s growing affinity for cutting-edge technology and a catalyst for job creation, economic growth, and an innovative ecosystem. In this context, the country needs to continue exploring opportunities for its economic development.

“The economic future of Brazil and China will depend on how each country seeks alternatives to balance their trade balances and continue growing in a challenging global scenario,” concludes the economist.

Source: STG News

Click here to read the original text: https://stgnews.com.br/brasileiros-quebram-recordes-de-importacoes-de-eletrodomesticos-em-2023/

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