Trade Regulations

Brazil closes partnership with Amazon to boost export culture among local entrepreneurs

Jul, 03, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202426

Brazil, through its Foreign Trade Secretariat at the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce, and Services (Secex/MDIC) and Amazon signed a Technical Cooperation Agreement (ACT) on Tuesday (2/7) aimed at strengthening the export culture among Brazilian entrepreneurs and facilitating access to the international market, particularly for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs).

The agreement includes several joint actions, such as:

Online Training on Using E-commerce for Exports: Brazilian sellers will have access to live classes and educational materials on the topic.

Support for Sellers: Amazon will offer support services to assist sellers in exporting their products.

Online Content for MSMEs: Amazon will provide informative content about exports to be shared by Secex with interested companies.

Round Table with Women Exporters: A virtual round table will be held to discuss the challenges and opportunities for women who export their products through Amazon.

Tatiana Prazeres, Secretary of Foreign Trade, celebrated the agreement, stating, “The promotion of Brazilian exports is fundamental to the country’s growth, and partnership with the private sector is crucial to achieving this purpose. I hope that other companies will also join this wonderful mobilization effort that we are promoting via PNCE.”

Daniel Mazini, president of Amazon Brazil, also highlighted the importance of the agreement: “We are very excited to work with Secex to encourage exports by Brazilian companies. We believe that internationalization is fundamental for the growth of MSMEs and for strengthening the country’s economy.”

Amazon, with its more than 78,000 partner sellers in Brazil, 99% of which are MSMEs, already offers an International Sales program to facilitate access to the international market. “More than 4% of these sellers export their products through our program,” highlighted Mazini. With the new agreement, the company hopes to further expand its support to Brazilian entrepreneurs who wish to export their products.

Studies carried out by Secex in 2023 show that Brazilian exporters generate more jobs, pay better wages, and are more innovative, productive, and competitive. Furthermore, exports contribute to positive externalities for other sectors of the economy.

Secex and Amazon will meet every six months to evaluate the progress of the actions and identify new opportunities for collaboration.

This partnership was signed under a call notice issued by Secex (nº 02/2023) on December 4, 2023, through which Amazon proposed a series of actions to encourage exports by Brazilian companies. The selection committee assessed compliance with the outlined requirements and selected Amazon’s proposal for implementation.

This is a permanent (non-competitive) call, with no transfer of resources between those involved. Any interested company can present its proposals to support the National Export Culture Policy (PNCE). All details are in the notice.

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