Ports and Terminals

Brazil environmental authorities green light Porto Central installation

May, 15, 2023 Posted by Lucas Lorimer

Week 202323

The installation of Porto Central in Presidente Kennedy, located on the southern coast of Espírito Santo, has been authorized by the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama) on Thursday (11). This confirmation comes from Felipe Rigoni, the Secretary of Environment and Water Resources of Espírito Santo.

During Phase 1 of the installation, approximately 1,295 jobs will be created. To meet socio-environmental requirements, the aim is to hire at least 70% of the labor force locally.

In order to minimize impacts on infrastructure and services and provide benefits to the local population, particularly the vulnerable groups, suppliers from the south of Espirito Santo and north of Rio de Janeiro state will also be given priority.

Large-scale terminal

Porto Central, with an area of approximately 2,000 hectares, will have a 10 km stretch of berths and piers, allowing for the accommodation of several large-scale terminals.

The pre-installation phase of the project was completed in 2022, and Phase 1 of the Masterplan involves the construction of necessary port infrastructure for a Liquid Bulk Terminal. This includes dredging the access channel and evolution basin, constructing the southern breakwater, a jetty, and berths.

Porto Central will cater to major companies in industries such as oil and gas, mining, agriculture, offshore industry support, shipyards, container and general cargo terminals. These terminals will handle diverse types of cargo, including vehicles, steel products, petroleum coke for cement plants, soybeans and fertilizers, coal, LNG, ornamental rocks, and more.

The port is being developed under the port condominium model, where entrepreneurs will be responsible for the port, land, and utility infrastructure, including dredging, breakwater, piers, and access roads. Porto Central clients will lease areas to establish their respective industries and terminals.

Source: Folha de Vitória

To read the original story, access: https://www.folhavitoria.com.br/economia/noticia/05/2023/instalacao-do-porto-central-no-es-e-autorizada-pelo-ibama

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