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Brazil exported over US$53 million worth of games in 2020

Jun, 01, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202124

Brazil has been consolidating itself as a major developer and exporter of video games for mobile devices, computers, and consoles. Last year alone, the country exported more than US$ 53 million in games. The primary destinations were the United States, Canada, and Europe. But the sector is eyeing Asian countries like China, India, and even Arab countries like Egypt and the Emirates.

According to the vice-president of ABRAGAMES (the Brazilian association of digital game developers), Carolina Caravana, several game development centers are being created in Brazil, in Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, the Federal District, and the northern region. “In the Federal District and the North, we are seeing the greatest growth in new companies in the last two years, and many are born and soon bought by larger companies, both in Brazil and abroad,” said Caravana.

Most games released are mobile games, the so-called “hyper-casual,” which are generally quickly developed and easier to place on the market. However, they don’t hold the player as much as other formats. Caravana claims that mobile games are the ones that are exported the most in terms of volume, but not necessarily the ones that bring more revenue. “There are several business models and game development models, and they all sell a lot; it’s hard to say which one sells the most,” she said.


Source: Brazil-Arab News Agency

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