Brazil exported US$ 209 million in foorwear in the first two months of the year
Mar, 10, 2022 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202210
Data by the Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados) indicate that, in February alone, 13.58 million pairs of shoes were shipped, generating US$ 108 million in revenue, a 36.2% increase in volume, and a 75.5% increase in revenue over the same month last year. During the two-month period, the footwear sector exported 27.57 million pairs for US$ 209.23 million, a 40% increase in volume and a 70.8% increase in dollars.
Haroldo Ferreira, executive president of Abicalçados, emphasizes that the two-month result is the best since 2011. “The year 2022 marks a period of revenue recovery due to increased shipments and a recomposition of average prices across all segments. In addition, international demand is warmer, and there is a trend, particularly in the North American market, to import more from Brazil rather than China, owing to the commercial dispute between the two hegemons and the need to diversify suppliers due to disruptions in the global supply chain, as well as the rise in maritime freight prices,” says the executive who also confirmed that this year’s figures point to an essential recovery towards pre-pandemic results.
Through this year’s exports, Brazil pocketed 14.8% more earnings than in the same period last year.
The United States was the main destination for Brazilian footwear abroad during the first two months, importing 4 million pairs for a total of US$ 60.58 million, achieving superior results in both volume (+97.8 %) and revenue (+130.2 %) compared to the same period in 2021. According to Ferreira, nearly one-third of shipments’ revenues came from the United States, the best result in 16 years.
Argentina was the second most important destination for Brazilian footwear during the two-month period, with 1.66 million shipped (+39.2%) for US$ 18.1 million (+78.2%) compared to the same period last year.
In the first two months of 2022, France was the third destination for Brazilian footwear. As a result, the French imported 2.28 million pairs, for which US$ 14.14 million was paid, representing increases of 67.6 % and 28.5 %, respectively, over the corresponding period in 2021.
The leading footwear exporting state was Rio Grande do Sul. The state sent 6.93 million pairs abroad, accounting for 43.5 percent of total shipments during the period, generating revenue of US$ 91 million. Compared to the same period last year, the numbers are higher in both volume (+60.7 %) and price (+76 %).
The second major footwear exporting state in the period was Ceará, from which 10.46 million pairs of shoes came, generating earnings of US$ 58.9 million, up 30% in volume and 56.8% in revenue.
São Paulo was the third-largest exporter in the first two months. Nearly 1.28 million pairs were shipped from the factories there, generating US$ 18 million. Compared to the same period last year, the results are higher in volume (+11.4 %) and revenue (+45.3%).
Finally, Paraíba shipped 4.4 million pairs in the last two months, which generated US$ 13.83 million. The records are positive in volume (+15%) and revenue (+60.3%) compared to 2021.
Imports continue to rise
Footwear imports also increased in the first two months of 2022. Almost 5.1 million pairs entered Brazil during the period, for which US$ 52.42 million was paid, representing a 28.5% increase in volume and a 22% increase in revenue over the same period last year.
The main exporting countries are located in Asia: Vietnam (1.17 million pairs and US$ 22.5 million, drops of 1.3% and 3.5% compared to the same period last year), Indonesia (475 thousand pairs and US$ 9.5 million, up 48.8% and 80.2%) and China (2.6 million pairs and US$ 9.44 million, up 18.6% and 32%).
In terms of shoe parts (uppers, soles, heels, insoles, etc.), imports for the two-month period totaled US$ 3.38 million, 3.6% less than in the same period last year. The main origins were China, Paraguay, and Vietnam.
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