Sugar and Ethanol

Brazil exports 2.47m tons of sugar in July; average price drops 1.5% compared to June

Aug, 08, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202131

Brazilian sugar exports remain at high levels but fell last month. In June, according to data from the Foreign Trade Secretariat (Secex), of the Ministry of Economy, 2.74 million tons of the commodity were shipped, however, in July, this value dropped to 2.47 million, downf 9%. In comparison with the previous year, the retraction was even greater, 25%.

Of the total sugar exported in July, 2.22 million tons were of the raw product, sold at an average value of US$ 323.24 per ton. This price represents an increase of 21.1% compared to the same month in 2020, but a drop of 2% compared to June this year.

The 243,400 tons of refined sugar were sold at US$ 382.83/t on average, down 0.3% over the previous month, but up 16.1% year-on-year.

In the accumulated result for the year, sugar exports reached 15.25 million tons, of which 1.94 million were refined and 13.32 million were raw. Total revenue was US$4.95 billion, representing an average value of US$324/t. In comparison with the same period of the previous year, the country registered an increase of 6% in volume, 14.7% in price, and 21.6% in revenue.

Source: NovaCana

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