Trade Regulations

Brazil extends anti-dumping duty on US, Mexican PVC Resin

Sep, 20, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202238

The Foreign Trade Chamber of Brazil’s Ministry of Economy extended the anti-dumping duty for up to five years applied to Brazilian imports of polyvinyl chloride resins (PVC resins) from the United States and Mexico.

The duty collection will immediately resume if imports rise to a level that could damage the Brazilian economy.

The anti-dumping duty will be collected through a rate levied on the customs value of goods. The Chamber’s decision also includes assessing PVC resin imports from Mexico that occurred during the period when the duty collection was suspended.

The measure was signed by Marcelo Pacheco dos Guaranys and came into force through its publication in the “Official Union Gazette” on the 19th.

Source: Valor Econômico

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