Ports and Terminals

Brazil feds dismantle fraud scheme in tax inspections at Port of Suape

May, 31, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202322

On May 31st, the Federal Police in the state of Pernambuco executed four search and seizure warrants as part of an investigation into an alleged tax fraud scheme involving the import and export of cargo at the Port of Suape. The operation stems from a three-year-long inquiry initiated by a Federal Revenue official who is believed to have favored customers of a customs broker.

Apart from determining the modus operandi of the suspects, the investigation aims to expose other individuals involved in the scheme. The individuals under scrutiny may face charges of embezzlement, facilitation of embezzlement, active and passive corruption, and criminal association. The cumulative charges could lead to a maximum prison sentence of 23 years.

The search and seizure warrants were conducted in the cities of Recife and Cabo de Santo Agostinho, both located in Pernambuco. The operation involved the participation of twenty federal police officers, as well as ten tax auditors and tax analysts from the Federal Revenue Department.

Source: Veja
To read the original report, access: https://veja.abril.com.br/coluna/radar/pf-desarticula-esquema-de-fraude-em-inspecoes-fiscais-no-porto-de-suape

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