
Brazil forecast to produce 61.7m bags of coffee in 2018/19 crop year

Dec, 21, 2018 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201852

Brazil’s National Agricultural Supply Company, Conab announced Brazil’s forecasts producing a 61.7m bags (60 kg) coffee in the 2018/19 harvest, up 3% compared to September estimate and 37% higher YoY. Conab attributes the rise in projections to good weather conditions, technological advancement and an expected bumper harvest of arabica coffee. Arabica coffee production is estimated at 47.5m bags, and Conillon at 14.2m bags, up 38.6% and 30.3% compared to the previous harvest. Despite this positive trend, the coffee planted area will drop 2.2% to 2.17m hectares, YoY.

The following table shows Brazil’s year-on-year coffee exports trend for the first ten months from 2016 to 2018:

Top coffee (HS Code 0901) destinations | Jan to Oct 2016-2018 (TEU)

wdt_ID DEST Country 2016 2017 2018
1 UNITED STATES 1.452.867,00 1.367.161,00 1.292.790,00
2 GERMANY, FEDERAL REPUBLIC 1.372.081,00 1.195.351,00 1.180.884,00
3 ITALY 749.171,00 703.877,00 795.653,00
4 JAPAN 734.038,00 645.700,00 670.700,00
5 BELGIUM 483.300,00 431.300,00 544.201,00
6 TURKEY 216.000,00 275.700,00 297.100,00
7 UNITED KINGDOM 124.471,00 117.250,00 281.605,00
8 CANADA 191.369,00 179.007,00 190.927,00
9 FRANCE 187.300,00 176.200,00 184.000,00
10 SPAIN 166.165,00 154.936,00 162.700,00
DEST Country 2016 2017 2018

The graph below outlines the country’s top five coffee destinations between January and October period for the last three years:

Supporting Sources:

SÃO PAULO – O Brasil produzirá 61,7 milhões de sacas de café em 2018/19, informoiu hoje a Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (Conab) no quarto e último levantamento sobre a safra. Trata-se de um volume 3% superior ao projetado pelo órgão no terceiro relatório, divulgado em setembro. Na comparação com a safra anterior (2017/18), o aumento será

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