Ports and Terminals

Brazil Government Pushes to Fast-Track Transnordestina Railway Extension to Pecém Port

Sep, 18, 2024 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202438

The acceleration of the concession for a BRL 3.6 billion addendum to complete the Transnordestina railway extension from Eliseu Martins in Piauí to the Port of Pecém in Ceará was the main topic of a meeting convened by the Minister of Integration and Regional Development, Waldez Góes. The total cost of the project is estimated at around BRL 7 billion.

The meeting, held on Tuesday, September 17, included representatives from the Northeast Bank of Brazil (BNB), the Superintendency for the Development of the Northeast (Sudene), and the Special Secretariat for Articulation and Monitoring (SAM) of the Civil House.

According to the ministry, the Transnordestina, which will extend 1,209 kilometers (KM) through municipalities in Ceará, Piauí, and Pernambuco, aims to “improve transportation logistics, promote regional integration, and boost the socioeconomic development of the Northeast.”

“The railway is strategically important for transporting production and for supplying the Northeast. It is a crucial project for the region’s development, stated Minister Waldez.

Regarding job creation, the estimate is that around 4,000 jobs will be generated in Ceará alone. Another point discussed in the meeting was implementing a new railway concession with a broad gauge (1.6 meters), which will allow for larger wagons. According to Eduardo Tavares, the National Secretary of Funds and Financial Instruments at the Ministry of Integration and Regional Development (MIDR), the project is part of the new version of the Growth Acceleration Program (Novo PAC), aimed at investment to boost economic growth and social inclusion. “We are looking to expedite this major delivery of the Novo PAC so that the Northeast can benefit from one of the most important railways for Brazil’s development, he emphasized.

Source: O Povo


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