Ports and Terminals

Brazil gov’t approves continuation of Ecoporto Santos lease agreement

Jun, 13, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202323

Ecorodovias announced that the Minister of Ports and Airports has granted approval, as of Monday (12), for the continuation of the lease agreement between its direct subsidiary, Ecoporto Santos, and the Port Authority of Santos (APS).

In a statement, the company stated, “The ministerial decision ensures the non-interruption of port operations and cargo storage activies carried out by Ecoporto Santos. The order will remain in effect for 180 days, until a public policy regarding the area’s purpose is assigned. This policy may be modified, extended, or revoked at the discretion of the granting authority.”

According to the company, the maintenance of the lease agreement does not impact the rights and obligations of Ecoporto Santos. These rights and obligations remain unchanged for the economic explorarion of the port facility, which spans an area of 136,400 m² in the Valongo region, located on the right bank of the Porto of Santos.

Source: Valor Econômico

To read the original news report, see: https://valor.globo.com/empresas/noticia/2023/06/12/porto-de-santos-governo-mantem-contrato-de-arrendamento.ghtml

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