Ports and Terminals

Brazil health regulatory agency grants shore leave to freighter crews

Nov, 17, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202246

Crew members working on freighters are now authorized to leave the vessels again and head to the shore at the Port of Santos thanks to a decision of the Brazilian health regulatory agency Anvisa to alter a rule that had been in force since the most severe phase of the covid-19 pandemic. Similar norms had already been relaxed in other countries.

Last year, the regulatory agency determined that only seafarers returning to their countries of origin were authorized to disembark at Brazilian ports. In such cases, the workers had to show their airline tickets and leave the vessel hours prior to boarding at the airport. Crew members who needed medical attention were also given shore leave to go to the hospital.

Now, all Brazilian nationals or foreigners who have gone through immigration control can disembark vessels. This also applies to seafarers who embarked on national territory.

According to the resolution, disembarkation is permitted without proof of vaccination against Covid-19 or the performance of a screening test for the disease. However, this does not apply to seafarers who “meet the criteria for suspected, confirmed, or close contact cases.”

Crew members, Brazilians, or foreigners of international origin, may enter the country with proof of a complete primary vaccination schedule against covid-19 or in case a negative test is presented to the person in charge of the vessel.

According to the executive director of the union Sindamar, José Roque, the need to change Anvisa’s rule was discussed at a meeting of the National Commission of Port Authorities (Conaportos). The representative of the shipping agents demanded the observation of the isonomy principle as adopted for cruise ships and planes as it is a humanitarian issue.

Source: A Tribuna

To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.atribuna.com.br/noticias/portomar/anvisa-autoriza-desembarque-de-tripulantes-de-cargueiros-novamente-no-porto-de-santos

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