Brazil imported 19,000 tons of medical products in 46 days to help in fight against pandemic
May, 26, 2020 Posted by datamarnewsWeek 202023
The Federal Revenue Service carried out a survey which showed that during a 46-day period (18/03 to 02/05), the institution released 19,000 tons of medical and hospital products used to combat the Covid-19 pandemic into Brazil. These products had a 33% shorter customs clearance time compared to goods released prior to the pandemic thanks to an amendment to Normative Instruction RFB nº 1.927 of 03/17/2020, which simplified the customs clearance of products for medical and hospital use. The sum of all these goods combined reaches a value of almost R$1 billion. Among the most significant items are:
· Masks and protective clothing, totaling R$532 million
· Covid-19 test kits of various types: R$110 million.
· Medical ventilators and respirators, parts and accessories: R$37 million
· Medicines and raw materials: R$146 million
Priority customs clearance
This week, the FRS has once again expanded the list of products that will be eligible for speedy import clearance as a priority to help fight the coronavirus pandemic. Normative Instruction RFB No. 1,955, published in the March 26th edition of the Federal Official Gazette, allows priority for hospital equipment and raw materials used to manufacture medicines, amongst other items.
Among the categories included in the new Normative Instruction are products such as hospital stretchers and equipment for performance testing of artificial respirators, in addition to a series of new drugs.
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