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Brazil: Industry Association Anda Reports 12.5% Growth in Fertilizer Deliveries in 2023

Jan, 05, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202401

The Brazil-based National Association for Fertilizer Dissemination (ANDA) announced on January 3rd that fertilizer deliveries to the Brazilian market totaled 38.21 million tons in the first ten months of 2023, representing a 12.5% growth compared to the 33.96 million recorded in the same period of 2022. Year-on-year, the increase was 21.9%, rising from 3.86 million to 4.71 million.

The state of Mato Grosso, the leader in deliveries, continued to concentrate the highest volume in the period (22.2%), reaching 8.48 million tonnes. Next in line are Rio Grande do Sul (4.35 million), Paraná (4.21 million), Goiás (4.15 million), São Paulo (3.71 million), and Minas Gerais (3.63 million).

The intermediate fertilizer production in Brazil reached October 2023 with 659 thousand tons, a 2.9% increase from 2022. Year-to-date, during the first ten months of the year, 5.64 million tons were produced, a 9.8% reduction compared to the same period of the previous year, when 6.26 million were produced.

Imports reached 4 million tons in October, representing a 52.2% increase compared to the same month in 2022, when the volume was 2.63 million. From January to October 2023, the total imported was 31.58 million tons, up 4.6% compared to the same period in 2022 when 30.18 million were imported.

Approximately 7.47 million tons arrived at the port of Paranaguá, Brazil’s main entry point for fertilizers, a 9.5% decrease from 2022, when 8.25 million reached national shores, accounting for 23.7% of the total imported by all ports.

The chart below displays the volume of fertilizer imports that arrived at the Port of Paranagua from January 2019 to November 2023.

Fertilizer Imports | Paranagua Port | Jan 2019 – Nov 2023 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Source: Money Times

Click here to read the original text: https://www.moneytimes.com.br/entregas-de-fertilizantes-cresceram-125-de-janeiro-a-outubro-de-2023-aponta-anda/

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