Trade Regulations

Brazil investigates “dumping” in exports from China, Colombia and Peru

Mar, 23, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202315

Brazil has launched an investigation into China, Colombia, and Peru for alleged dumping practices in key exports to the country. The information was disclosed in the country’s Official Gazette on Wednesday (March 22, 2023).

According to the investigation, the Department of Trade Defense found evidence of dumping between April 2021 and March 2022.

From now on, exporters, importers, and domestic producers will receive a questionnaire with critical information for the investigation that must be completed within 30 days with the answers. Suspected companies also have the right to request defense hearings.

If the dumping practice is confirmed at the end of the investigations and damage to the Brazilian industry is found, the government can determine the application of compensatory measures, such as the collection of tariffs.

Source: G1

To read the original news report, please visit:

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