Trade Regulations

Brazil looks into reviewing import procedures for ornamental birds, eggs

Aug, 25, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202335

The Ministry of Agriculture has opened a public consultation period regarding federal regulation No. 877, which proposes the revocation of Normative Instruction No. 49/2018, which would establish and update directives, criteria, and standards for the importation and quarantine of ornamental birds and eggs for the incubation of ornamental birds. These requirements must also be met for the accreditation of quarantine facilities for these commodities.

As part of the revisions, it has been suggested that quarantines for companion birds may take place at the owner’s domicile, eliminating the need for a vacancy denial from the Cananéia Quarantine Station (EQC).

Regarding the quarantine of commercial birds, importers will need to designate an employee for managing, feeding, and cleaning cages for their birds. This employee will work under the supervision of the technical responsible for quarantine (RT), following EQC’s biosafety regulations.

The public consultation period is set at 60 days. Technically substantiated suggestions should be submitted through the Act Monitoring System (Sisman), part of the Secretariat of Agriculture Defense.

Source: Informativo dos Portos

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