Brazil: Motor vehicle exports climb 23% in the 1st semester of 2022
Jul, 12, 2022 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202228
The automakers installed in Brazil saw motor vehicle exports of 246,200 units in the first half of the year, a volume that represents an increase of 23% over the shipments made in January-June of last year. Anfavea released the data on July 8th.
According to Márcio de Lima Leite, president of the entity, the main destinations for the vehicles produced in Brazilian factories were, in terms of volumes, Chile, Colombia, and Peru.
“We are still assessing the situation in Argentina, an important commercial partner with whom we maintain complementary operations,” said Leite referring to the neighboring country’s recent decision to limit foreign exchange operations.
In June alone, exports totaled 47,300 units, representing an increase of 2.7% over the volume exported in May and 41% over the volume shipped in June last year.
Motor vehicle exports, from Brazil, totaled 197,000 units in the semester, up 22% over the volume exported in January and June last year, according to Anfavea’s balance sheet data.
Truck exports totaled 11,000 units in the semester, a result 3.8% higher than those in 2021. Bus exports, finally, reached 2,100 units, up 13.7% on the same comparison frame.
Source: Automotive Business
To read the full original article, please go to: https://automotivebusiness.com.br/pt/posts/balan%C3%A7o/exportacoes-de-veiculos-encerram-semestre-com-alta-de-23/
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