Trade Regulations

Brazil negotiates new free-trade agreements with Arab countries

Oct, 20, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202044

Together with Mercosur, Brazil is negotiating new free-trade agreements with some Arab countries, according to Roberto Fendt, Special Secretary of Foreign Trade and International Affairs of the Ministry of Economy. The information was disclosed on October 19th during a lecture by the Secretary at the Brazil & Arab Countries Economic Forum, promoted virtually by the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce.

“The Brazilian government has sought to accelerate the process of negotiating new generation trade agreements, as a way of expanding preferential access to our exports as well as facilitating imports of inputs and technologies at competitive costs,” said Fendt.

According to the secretary, the Arab countries are important trade partners for Brazil and the Brazilian government is interested in strengthening its relations. “In fact, Mercosur has already signed a free-trade agreement with Egypt and Palestine. It is currently negotiating an agreement with Lebanon. Mercosur has also started negotiations with Tunisia and Morocco,” said Fendt. The agreement with Palestine has not yet entered into force.

See monthly cargo movement between Brazil and the Arab countries since January 2017:

Cargo handling from Brazil to/from Arab countries | Jan 2017 to Aug 2020 | WTMT

Sources: Anba and Comex do Brasil


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