
Brazil: New import tax rule increases government’s revenue

Jan, 19, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202403

Data obtained by Valor show that from August to December 2023, after the start of the Remessa Conforme program—Portuguese for “compliant shipments,” which established new import rules for orders up to $50—tax revenues reached R$700.5 million, an increase of about 122% over the same period last year.

The issue of tax collection is gaining momentum at a time when one of the most important aspects of the program—the tax relief of international online marketplaces that participate in the program—is before the Federal Supreme Court (STF). Brazilian retailers and industrial companies are challenging the lack of tax equality between local and foreign companies.

Remessa Conforme was defined in a decree issued by the Ministry of Finance and has been in effect since August 1. It grants tax and customs benefits to foreign online platforms, such as exemption from the 60% import tax, as long as they source their shipments in Brazil. However, a sales tax, the ICMS, is still levied at 17%.

Remessa Conforme involves voluntary compliance by businesses, so shopkeepers who do not comply will not get advanced customs clearance on sales up to $50. And they still have to pay 60% tax, plus 17% ICMS—which also increases the tax revenue. Currently, AliExpress, Shein, Shopee, and Mercado Libre have joined the model (Amazon is still implementing it).

The problem is that since there has been no definition of a rate so far—the public debate on the subject began in April 2023—the Confederations of Commerce and Industry (CNC and CNI) filed a direct action of unconstitutionality with the STF on Wednesday night, alleging a lack of tax equality.

The local chains claim to pay more than 100% tax on the production chain and the sale of goods. The Ministry of Finance was aware of this move by the CNC and CNI before the announcement, as Valor reported on Thursday.

The federal government has yet to define its line of defense in the lawsuit, but the initial reading is that Remessa Conforme already tackles the main problems identified by the sectors.

Source: Valor Internacional

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