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Brazil new infrastructure growth plan allocates BRL 69.1 bn for Port, Airport, and Waterway sectors

Aug, 14, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202333

On Friday (11), the Federal Government revealed an ambitious investment plan totaling R$1.7 trillion, encompassing both public and private resources to be disbursed over the upcoming years as part of the launch of the revamped PAC (Growth Acceleration Program).

Within the “efficient and sustainable transport axis,” a substantial R$349.1 billion has been earmarked for future initiatives. Under this purview, the Ministry of Ports and Airports will assume responsibility for overseeing a robust portfolio of 363 initiatives and endeavors, leading to a collective investment of R$69.1 billion. This comprehensive portfolio is organized into three sub-axes: ports (137), airports (95), and waterways (131).

A striking highlight of the new PAC is the construction of an underwater tunnel connecting Santos and Guarujá (SP). Long-awaited for nearly a century by the inhabitants of Baixada Santista, this monumental undertaking, spanning 1.7 kilometers, is set to commence next year. Through a public-private partnership (PPP), this transformative project is poised to receive an investment exceeding R$5 billion.

In total, the 137 ventures encompassed within the port sector of the new PAC contribute a cumulative R$54.8 billion in fresh investments. These encompass a range of initiatives, including the establishment of novel land access routes to ports, the creation of quays and jetties, the allocation of resources for dredging, the implementation of cutting-edge technological port management systems, and the development of new leases and private-use terminals (TUPs).


Turning to aviation, the unveiled plans entail a comprehensive R$10.2 billion combined public and private investments. Of this sum, R$9.2 billion are channeled toward the 49 airports already granted to the private sector. The Federal Government is set to infuse R$1 billion into 46 initiatives, encompassing the revival of stalled projects alongside studies and designs for the modernization and construction of regional airports spanning the nation.


For the waterways sector, an extensive portfolio of 131 initiatives headlines the third iteration of the PAC, with an aggregate anticipated investment of R$4.1 billion. Among the flagship endeavors, the dredge work on sections of the Tocantins and Tietê rivers looms large, with an allocation of R$1.4 billion. Additionally, the program allocates R$900 million towards constructing and refurbishing 20 small-sized public port facilities (IP4).

Notably, R$500 million has been designated for the upkeeping of 75 port terminals, mirroring an equal investment in the restoration, maintenance, and operation of locks at key points such as Tucuruí (PA), Sobradinho (BA), Jupiá (SP), Três Irmãos (SP), Bom Retiro do Sul, Amarópolis, and Anel de Dom Marco (RS). Further bolstering waterway infrastructure, dredging initiatives for Lagoa Mirim, and rivers Madeira, Paraguay, Parnaíba, and São Francisco are poised to receive a generous infusion of R$400 million.

For more information on PAC, see: gov.br/casacivil/novopac

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