Oil and Gas

Brazil opens consultation on planned 2023 biodiesel imports

Sep, 16, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202237

The board of regulator ANP on Thursday approved the holding of a public consultation for 45 days, followed by a public hearing, on a draft resolution related to the possibility of commercializing biodiesel imports for the purpose of meeting the mandatory blending of the biofuel in diesel.

The use of biodiesel imports, which could begin as early as 2023, is likely to pose challenges for the local industry after the government this year reduced the blend of biodiesel in diesel to 10%, citing cost and quality issues.

The consultation complies with the resolution of the National Energy Policy Council (CNPE), which established that all biodiesel necessary to meet the mandatory percentage of blending with diesel oil should be contracted through a commercialization model that would replace the public auctions carried out by the ANP until last year.

Another CNPE resolution (nº 14/2020) defined that, for the purposes of the mandatory blending of biodiesel with diesel oil, during the period from January to December of this year, only biodiesel from a national production unit authorized by the ANP can be used.

As of January 2023, when the term expires, imported biodiesel may be used in addition to meeting the mandatory percentage of biodiesel.

Source: Money Times

To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.moneytimes.com.br/anp-aprova-consulta-publica-sobre-importacao-de-biodiesel-pelo-brasil/

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