WTO sugar dispute / disputa do açúcar na OMC
Sugar and Ethanol

Brazil sugarcane productivity rises 4.9%

Jan, 06, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202002

The third survey of the 2019/20 sugarcane crop, released by Brazil’s National Supply Company (Conab), registers a 4.9% increase in productivity of Brazilian sugarcane plantations compared to the previous crop. In this harvest, the planted area decreased 1.35%, reaching 8.5 million hectares.

According to Conab, the biggest drop was in the North region – 6.6% in relation to the area cultivated last season – followed by the South, with a decrease of 5.7%. Importantly however, despite the reduction, productivity rose, registering 75.7 tons / hectare.

Out of the 642.7 million tons of sugarcane to be crushed in Brazil, about 65% goes into ethanol production (anhydrous and hydrated) and 35% to sugar production. Growth registered reached 3.6% over the previous crop.

Also according to Conab there is growing interest from producers in corn-based ethanol production. Production is estimated at 1.69 billion liters, an increase of 114% compared to the last crop.Additionally, the 35% of crushing destined to sugar will generate 30.1 million tons of byproducts, a growth of 3.8% for that segment.

The following graph, based on data from Conab, shows the productivity of Brazilian sugarcane in the 2018/19 and 2019/20 harvests:

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Source: Conab

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