

Sep, 14, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202037

Brazil has decided to suspend pork imports from Germany, following a case of African swine flu in a dead boar detected last week.  The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Supplies stated that it has requested detailed information from the European country’s health authorities on the biosafety measures adopted by German industrial plants.  Other countries have also suspended imports of German pork, such as China, South Korea, and Argentina.

Brazil imports pork casings from Germany, especially in small volumes. From January to August this year, purchases totaled 1,800 tons, or US$ 16.8 million.  The African swine flu has been decimating swine herds in Asia (mainly in China) and in some Eastern European countries since 2018.

Although the restrictions may favor Brazil, the Brazilian Animal Protein Association (ABPA) deplored the German problem. “ABPA regrets the occurrence of the outbreak in Germany and supports the effective control of the disease in the country. Regarding impacts, the entity estimates that there may be a temporary redirection of demand from pork importing countries from Germany to nations without records of the disease, such as Brazil. However, there are no estimates of the extent of these impacts. The capacity of these producing nations will define how demand will be met since pig farming is a long cycle chain ”, announced ABPA.

Source: Valor Econômico


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