Brazil targets Asia, Europe to expand meat exports
Jan, 04, 2024 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202401
Brazil is negotiating with countries in Southeast Asia and Europe to open new markets or expand exports to those who already buy Brazilian agricultural products, especially meat. Exporters expect to see some results from these efforts this year.
In November and December alone, about 10 audits were carried out in Brazil by importing countries to increase the number of slaughterhouse licenses. Representatives from the European Union, the United States, Russia, China, East Timor, and Mexico were in the country in the last two months of the year. The Philippines and South Korea each carried out two audits. The evaluations varied in scope.
The most anticipated was that of China, the country’s main buyer of beef and pork, but representatives from Russia and South Korea also visited meat industries—in the case of the Koreans, in areas free of foot-and-mouth disease without vaccination.
The chart below compares containerized exports of beef and pork from Brazil to China between Jan 2019 and Nov 2023, according to data obtained with DataLiner, which is Datamar’s maritime intelligence service.
Beef and Pork Exports to China | Jan 2019 – Nov 2023 | WTMT
Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)
“Brazil has been negotiating with different markets, such as China itself. We don’t know the outcome yet, but we hope Brazil will be able to expand exports,” Paulo Mustefaga, president of the Brazilian Association of Meat Packers (Abrafrigo), told Valor.
He noted that the Philippine authorities also recently undertook a mission to increase the number of Brazilian meatpackers licensed to sell to that market. According to Mr. Mustefaga, there are also negotiations with Indonesia to expand.
To open up, he said South Korea is a Brazilian target as a major importer of meat. “Japan is another country on the radar for fresh meat, but negotiations still need to expand,” he said.
Without setting deadlines, the Brazilian Animal Protein Association (ABPA) said that among the markets that could open up for pork in the coming years, the most promising are Malaysia, the United Kingdom, Indonesia, and Colombia.
“We also hope to expand markets in South Korea and Japan, which only buy products from Santa Catarina, which used to be the only foot-and-mouth-free zone in the country. Now, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul and Acre also meet this condition,” said Ricardo Santin, the organization’s president.
In the case of chicken, ABPA highlights the negotiations with El Salvador and Guatemala, as well as with the countries of the Caribbean Community. For eggs, the United Kingdom, Singapore, and Russia are the highlights.
Also according to ABPA, the European Union authorities are expected to approve the “pre-listing” system for Brazilian slaughterhouses— when qualification does not depend on a new order from the importer and is approved by the national government’s technicians.
European technicians carried out inspections in Brazil in 2023. Roberto Perosa, Secretary for Trade and International Relations at the Ministry of Agriculture, revealed that he expects restrictions on Brazilian poultry exports to the EU to be lifted in the first months of this year. Trade has been restricted since 2017 due to the outbreak of anti-corruption Operation Weak Flesh—which investigated more than thirty companies accused of adulterating the meat they sold in domestic and international markets.
“We have to wait a while for the final report to be prepared and sent, but our impression is that the inspection was very good and that we will be able to resume exports without any kind of restriction. The expectation is huge and very positive that in the first two months of the year, the report will be finalized and Brazil will be informed of the possibility of increasing exports without the restrictions that were in place,” said Mr. Perosa at a recent press conference.
Processes are also underway to increase shipments of Brazilian agricultural products to countries in the Americas. In 2023 alone, almost half of the market openings will be to the continent’s neighbors.
The accelerated growth of the Mexican economy, for example, and the recent openings to ship beef and pork from Brazil there, have already promoted a leap in bilateral trade relations. Exports of Brazilian coffee to Mexico more than quadrupled to 22,700 metric tonnes between January and November 2023. Revenue from these sales increased to $70 million from $17 million. “We have a strong focus on these two axes, which are the Americas and Asia,” Mr. Perosa added.
Throughout 2023, 78 new markets were opened in 39 countries, taking into account all the products of the Brazilian agribusiness.
Source: Valor Econômico
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