
Brazil waiting on Chinese approval for sorghum exports

Sep, 26, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202438

The Brazilian Association of Corn and Sorghum Producers (Abramilho) announced that the phytosanitary protocol for sorghum exports to China is in the final stages of development. The expectation is that it will be completed by November, coinciding with Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Brazil.

Before then, a delegation from Brazil’s Ministry of Agriculture will travel to China to negotiate the opening of the Chinese market to Brazilian sorghum. A phytosanitary inspection will also be conducted as part of the process, with Chinese delegations set to visit Brazilian fields to assess plant conditions.

Abramilho’s president, Paulo Bertolini, stated that market expansion for sorghum is a priority to support the crop’s growth in Brazil. Currently, the country produces around 5 million tonnes of the cereal.

“We are working to increase sorghum demand, as this will likely boost prices and make the crop more attractive to farmers,” he said in a statement.

Brazil has made strides in the industrial use of sorghum, with an increasing number of ethanol plants utilizing the cereal for biofuel production. Like corn, sorghum can also be used to produce DDG (distillers dried grains), a byproduct commonly used in animal feed.

More resilient and less demanding in terms of management, sorghum offers a viable alternative for many farmers, Bertolini noted. “With new market opportunities, sorghum could become a more attractive planting option,” he explained.

“Minas Gerais and Goiás are currently the largest sorghum-producing states in Brazil, but there is considerable potential for growth, especially in Mato Grosso,” added Abramilho’s technical director, Daniel Rosa.

Source: Globo Rural

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