Brazilian automotive industry / ANFAVEA

Brazilian Auto Exports Decline, but July Shows Promise

Aug, 07, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202432

Auto exports from Brazil remain in decline. From January to July, 204,300 units were shipped, a 21.7% decrease compared to the same period in 2023, according to data from the National Association of Automotive Vehicle Manufacturers (Anfavea).

However, July’s foreign sales showed a different trend. Exports for the month totaled just over 39,000 vehicles, up from 30,450 units in July 2023, reflecting a 28.3% increase.

“The challenge in exports is significant. Yet, we observed a recovery in the Argentine market, which led to a 35% increase in exports to that country. While the domestic market has also grown, leading to increased export volumes overall, exports to Mexico have declined compared to other months of the year,” said Anfavea President Márcio de Lima Leite.

Leite stressed the importance of monitoring market performance in August, September, and October, as these months could potentially halt the downward trend in Brazilian exports.

“Domestic markets in destination countries, such as Chile and Colombia, remain sluggish. However, the growth in exports in July is a positive sign.”

Argentina Increases Imports from Brazil

Argentina was a significant factor in the 38% year-to-date increase in imports. Data from Anfavea reveals that purchases from Argentina totaled 109,400 units from January to July, contributing to a total of 238,900 vehicles imported.

“Since auto parts are shipped from Brazil to Argentina, the volume of imports is closely tied to the Brazilian industry. This contrasts with other countries, such as China, which currently accounts for 26% of Brazil’s total imports,” explained Lima Leite.

The following chart shows Brazil’s auto part exports from January 2022 and June 2024, according to information derived from DataLiner, Datamar’s leading maritime intelligence service.

Exports of Auto Parts from Brazil | Jan 2022 – Jun 2024 | TEUs

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Anfavea’s data shows that 62,000 units were imported from China, including 58,000 new technologies, such as hybrid or electric vehicles—an impressive 416% increase from the previous year.

In July, vehicle imports rose 7.8% compared to June, with 41,000 additional units. “This figure is significant as foreign purchases continue to surpass our exports,” highlighted Lima Leite.

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