Anfavea - Venda de veículos no Brasil sobe

Brazilian auto industry sees 24% drop in exports in April

May, 09, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202322

According to the vehicle manufacturers’ association ANFAVEA, 9 of the 13 plant shutdowns documented this year in Brazil occurred in April, affecting the month’s output volume. Naturally, both the production and exports of vehicles manufactured in Brazil decreased.

The total 178.9 thousand units produced was 19.4% less than in March and 3.9% less than in April last year when the semiconductor crisis was at its peak. Nevertheless, year-to-date, 714.9 thousand vehicles were produced in the country, an increase of 4.8% over the first four months of 2022.

In exports, ANFAVEA recorded declines in sales to some of Brazil’s main customers: Argentina -13%, Mexico -18%, Colombia -20%, and Chile -48%. In addition, there was an intense restriction on imports in Argentina due to exchange rate issues during the first three weeks of the month.

Total exports were 34,000 units, down 24% over March and over April 2022.

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