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Brazilian beauty product exports grow

Oct, 26, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202141

Brazilian exports of hygiene, perfumery, and cosmetic products grew 22.1% in September compared to the same month last year, according to data released by ABIHPEC (the Brazilian personal hygiene, perfumery, and cosmetics industry association). The exports were valued at US$ 65.3 million, above the US$ 57.3 million in September 2020.

Among the products shipped, the highlights were oral hygiene items, valued at US$ 7.7 million up by 73.2%; hair products, valued at US$ 17 million up by 41.2%; and soaps, whose foreign sales generated US$ 12.3 million and grew  10.8% in September over the same month in 2020.

From January to September, the sector also had an increase in exports, 16.4% over the first nine months of 2020, with US$ 517.2 million. According to ABIHPEC, the results demonstrate the impacts of the devaluation of the real

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