brazilian meat imports

Brazilian beef exports reach best monthly result in history

Nov, 05, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 201946

Brazilian beef exports ended October with record sales and shipped volumes. According to data from the Secretariat of Foreign Trade (Secex), released by the Brazilian Beef Exporters Association (ABIEC), the volume exported in October was of 185,537 tons, a growth of 15% over the same period last year. The result represents the largest monthly volume ever shipped by the country and the highest revenue in a month. In terms of revenues, the month ended with US$808.4m, 30% above the same month in 2018. Compared to September, October results show a 33% increase in revenues and 28% in volume shipped.

When looking at the accumulated of the year the result is also positive. From January to October 2019 there were 1.46m tons of exported beef, with revenues of US$ 5.78bn, growth of 9.9% and 7.5%, respectively compared to the same period last year. “The results show the consolidation of Brazilian meat in the main international markets,” explains Abiec’s president, Antônio Jorge Camardelli.

One of the main factors for these results is the increase in exports to China, which in October totaled 65,827 tons, growth of almost 62% over the previous month. When looking at the types of products, fresh meat sales increased 29.4% compared to September, totaling 160,099 tons.

DataLiner shows Brazil’s beef export trends since 2006:

Source: DataLiner/Datamar

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