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Brazilian cachaça exports grow 53% YoY after pandemic-induced drops

Oct, 18, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202242

The cachaça industry shows signs of recovery, especially in exports, according to data from the Brazilian Cachaça Institute (Ibrac). Between January and September 2022, the market segment grew by 53.87% in total earnings and 22.08% in volume compared to the same period last year.

According to Carlos Lima, executive director of Ibrac, the value recorded in 2022 already equals US$ 14.4 million, essentially the total export during 2019. Brazilian exports of the distilled spirit totaled US$ 14.6 million in the year before the pandemic.

During the 2021 Cachaça Yearbook launch, Lima commented, “at the current pace, I believe we may end 2022 earning a higher export value than we had in 2019.”

This is the third edition of the document formulated by Brazil’s Minster of Agriculture (Mapa). The head of the department, Marcos Montes, commented that Mapa has invested in the cachaça industry and worked to increase domestic and foreign consumption of the product.

“Opening up the cachaça market, in addition to being great from the point of view of generating jobs, finances, and resources, is also personally gratifying as it is a genuinely Brazilian product in the international market,” he pointed out.

There was also a 2% reduction in the total number of establishments producing cachaça in Brazil compared to 2020. In 2021, 936 registered cachaçarias were registered. In 2020, there were 955. Last year, 98 new establishments were registered, and another 117 canceled their licenses.

A total of 620 are in Brazil’s southeast region, accounting for 66.2% of the total in the country. There are 138 establishments in the South (14.7% of the total); 130 in the Northeast (13.9%); 39 in the Midwest (4.2%), and nine cachaçarias in the North region (1%).

Source: B News

To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.bnews.com.br/noticias/bnews-agro/exportacao-de-cachaca-brasileira-cresce-53-em-um-ano-apos-queda-na-pandemia.html

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