total coffee exports

Brazilian coffee exports drop by 10.3% in April

May, 11, 2023 Posted by Lucas Lorimer

Week 202322

According to a report by the Council of Brazilian Coffee Exporters (Cecafé), Brazil’s national shipments of coffee totaled 2.722 million 60-kg bags in April, a volume that implies a 10.3% drop compared with the 3.034 million bags seen in the same month of 2022. With an average price of US$ 222.08 per bag, the foreign exchange revenue was US$ 604.5 million, down 16.9% in the same comparative gap.

In the first ten months of the 2022/23 harvest year, Brazilian coffee shipments abroad totaled 30.495 million bags, which brought in US$ 6.993 billion. This performance represents a 9.1% decline in volume but a 4.6% increase in revenue compared to the figures from July 2021 to April last year.

Coffee exports from Brazil | Jan 2019 – Mar 2023 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)


From January to the end of April 2023, Brazil exported 11.097 million bags, a 19.9% drop compared to the 13.857 million bags accumulated in the first four months of last year. The decline is 25%, with the current shipments generating US$ 2.405 billion against US$ 3.206 billion in the same period.

Cecafé’s president, Márcio Ferreira, points out that, despite the negative performance so far, the future perspectives are generally good.

“In the physical market, there has been an increase in the liquidity of Arabica offerings from the current harvest by producers, who are obviously already preparing for the harvest,” he analyzes.

He mentions that buyers, who have postponed their purchases as much as possible, have shown a greater interest, especially for these recently harvested beans, which may result in better shipment volumes in May and June.

“We are approaching the winter period, which obviously requires greater caution from all players. However, everything indicates that without climatic accidents, we are heading for a recovery in Arabica production, so badly affected in the last two years”, he projects.


In the first four months of 2023, the United States remains the leading importer of Brazilian coffee, buying 2.051 million bags, a volume 19.2% lower than in the same period of 2022. Nevertheless, this amount is equivalent to 18.5% of total Brazilian shipments.

Germany, with a share of 12.9%, bought 1.430 million bags (-46.5%) and is in second place in the ranking. In sequence comes Italy, with imports of 924,788 bags (-22.7%); Japan, with 646,092 bags (stable); Belgium, with 555,074 bags (-61.2%); and Colombia, with purchases of 434,632 bags (-1.9%).

From the seventh to the 10th place among the main destinations, the scenario changes, with these nations increasing their purchases of coffee from Brazil. Turkey purchased 354,302 bags, increasing its purchases by 31.8% compared to the first four months of 2022, followed by the Netherlands with 345,574 bags (+45.9%); France with 313,013 bags (+16%); and Argentina with 309,000 bags (+46.5%).


The maritime complex of Santos (SP) remains the leading exporter of Brazilian coffee between January and April 2023, shipping 8.626 million bags abroad, equivalent to 77.7% of the total. The ports of Rio de Janeiro come next, accounting for 17.2% of shipments with 1.910 million bags, and Paranaguá (PR) with 156,699 bags exported, representing 1.4%.

Source: Cecafé

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