Brazilian coffee exports dropped 12.8% in July 2021
Aug, 11, 2021 Posted by Ruth HollardWeek 202132
Total Brazilian coffee exports totaled 2.826 million 60-kg bags in July, the first month of the 2021/22 crop year, a volume that represented a drop of 12.8% compared to shipments made in the same period in 2020. Exports abroad reached 23.737 million bags in 2021, growing 2.2% compared to the first seven months of last year. The data are part of the statistical report of the Brazilian Coffee Exporters Council (Cecafé).
The organization attributes the July result to the continuity of logistical obstacles in world maritime transport, which is undergoing a serious operational crisis with soaring freight costs, cancellations of bookings, difficulties in getting new bookings, and disputes for containers and space on ships due to the increased demand for food and electronics, especially in the United States and Asia.
“Brazilian coffee is still undergoing a struggle to win space on ships and be shipped at the right time. The delays that have occurred generate unprecedented operational wear for exporters and, mainly, a financial burden resulting from the lack of planned cash flow for this unimaginable scenario. It is worth remembering that this occurs simultaneously with a market reality in which prices are reaching the highest levels recorded in recent years and the harvest of the Brazilian crop is around 80%”, analyzes the president of Cecafé, Nicolas Rueda.
The DataLiner chart below shows a comparison of Brazilian coffee exports from 2019 onwards:
Brazilian Coffee Export | Jan to Dec 2019-2021 | TEU
Graph source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)
In 2021, the United States continues as the largest importer of national coffees, with the acquisition of 4.512 million bags, a growth of 4.5% compared to the same period in 2020. Next is Germany, with 4.178 million bags ( +5.5%); Belgium, with 1.694 million (+1.1%); Italy, with 1.681 million (-9.5%); and, closing the top 5, Japan, with imports of 1.339 million bags (+12.8%).
Santos remains the main outlet for coffee in Brazil in 2021. From January to July, 18.401 million bags left the São Paulo port, representing 77.5% of total shipments. Next is Rio de Janeiro, with the shipment of 3.692 million bags (15.6%), and Vitória (ES), with 713,000 bags (3%).
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