
Brazilian corn producers looking forward to a bright 2020

Dec, 30, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202001

According to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), Brazilian corn consumption is expected to reach 66.3 million tons by 2020.

Due to the outbreak of African swine flue and the ensuing decimation of China’s pig population, the USDA predicts that Brazil’s national demand for corn will grow, an effect of increased animal feed demand as Brazilian meat exports grow to supply the gap in China.

Another reason for an increase in Brazil’s demand for corn is the rise in corn ethanol production. According to the National Corn Ethanol Union (UNEM), Mato Grosso will inaugurate five corn ethanol plants in 2021.

The following chart made from DataLiner’s data shows corn exports since 2014:

Chart Source: DataLiner / Datamar

Argentina, a major corn exporter, has already sold much of its 2020 harvest to trading companies that will export the product and, according to the USDA, the 2020 crop will be around 50 million tons.

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