Ports and Terminals

Brazilian Development Bank to hold Port of Santos privatization hearing on August 22

Aug, 10, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202232

The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) will hold a public hearing on August 22 to discuss the privatization of the Port of Santos and gather contributions for the process. The public notice of the process was published in the Brazilian Federal Gazette on Friday, August 5.

The virtual hearing will begin at 9:30 am (Brasília time). Those interested in participating can obtain more information on the BNDES website (www.bndes.gov.br).

On Thursday (4), the Minister of Infrastructure, Marcelo Sampaio, said that the Federal Government will send the privatization studies regarding the Port of Santos to the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) this month.

In a post on Twitter, the minister reinforced the country’s intention to hold the auction later this year, in December. However, having the auction in 2022 is seen with increasing suspicion in the sector – and even by government members.

To hold the auction in December, the Federal Government expects TCU to approve the privatization by October. The Court of Accounts, however, may take longer to review the project.

Source: A Tribuna

To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.atribuna.com.br/noticias/portomar/-bndes-marca-debate-sobre-privatizacao-do-porto-de-santos-para-22-de-agosto

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