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Brazilian Exports of Natural Stones Hit 10-Year High

May, 16, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202420

The Brazilian natural stone market has reached a significant milestone in 2024, achieving its best performance for the period between January and April in a decade. Exports in the sector grew by 15.7%, generating $387.9 million in revenue, according to data released by the Brazilian Center for Ornamental Stone Exporters (Centrorochas).

The United States remained the largest importer, accounting for 58.06% of the total exports. Other major destinations included China (14.10%), Italy (6.75%), Mexico (5.06%), and the United Kingdom (1.68%). The American market showed a robust increase in demand, with exports of natural stones rising by 30.2%. Quartzites, which make up 55.06% of all exported stones, saw a remarkable growth of 57.03% compared to the previous year.

“We are thrilled with the positive results achieved by the stone sector so far this year. Since January, we have engaged in four major promotional activities through ‘It’s Natural – Brazilian Natural Stone,’ an export incentive program developed by Centrorochas and the Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil). Three of these activities were held in the United States and one in China. The international market’s receptivity to our products is a source of great pride,” commented Tales Machado, president of the national natural rocks association.

For those interested in exploring sector-specific data and gaining a deeper understanding of the natural stone market, Centrorochas offers the BI Centrorochas platform. This tool provides detailed analyses, including maps and graphs, to help users grasp trends and patterns in the industry. The platform is readily accessible, and interested parties can contact Centrorochas at +55 27 99802-9651 for more information.

Source: Jornal do Oeste

Click here to read the original report in Portuguese: https://www.jornaldooeste.com.br/exportacoes-de-rochas-do-brasil-melhor-resultado/

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