Trade Regulations

Brazilian Gov’t launches manual on Rules of Origin for imports

May, 21, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202420

The Foreign Trade Secretariat of Brazil’s Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce, and Services (Secex-MDIC) has launched a comprehensive manual on Rules of Origin for imported products. The manual, presented to the world on Tuesday (May 14), is an accessible resource for commercial operators and anyone interested in understanding the intricacies of international trade rules.

“Rules of origin play a fundamental role not only in trade agreements but in the entire sphere of international trade, determining the origin of products and, consequently, the treatment to be granted,” explained Ana Cláudia Takatsu, Director of International Negotiations at Secex.

The manual covers key concepts related to Rules of Origin, including the New Regime and Mercosul’s Origin criteria. It also provides practical examples relevant to various trade agreements, making it a valuable tool for stakeholders.

“The Rules of Origin Manual reflects Secex’s commitment to promoting transparency and understanding of the rules that govern international trade,” concluded Ana Takatsu.

The launch event at MDIC headquarters in Brasília was attended by representatives from 48 entities responsible for issuing Certificates of Origin in Brazil.

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