
Brazilian grape exports endure shortfall in 2024 to date

Aug, 20, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202434

Brazilian table grape exports saw a significant decline in the first half of 2024 (January to July). According to Comex Stat data, the total volume shipped amounted to 5,500 tonnes, a 66.7% drop compared to last year. Export revenue plunged 61.3%, totaling $15.9 million.

The decline in exports was primarily due to lower volumes and poor quality of grapes due to heavy rains that hit Pernambuco and Bahia states, the country’s main exporting region, during the first quarter of the year. Additionally, high domestic prices for seedless white grapes prompted many growers to prioritize local sales.

Meanwhile, imports increased during the same period to make up for the shortage in the domestic market. Brazil imported 8,200 tonnes of grapes, a 21.9% rise compared to the same months last year, with spending up by 62.9%, totaling $17.5 million.

Source: HF Brasil

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