Live Cattle Exports

Brazilian live cattle exports nearly double in 2018

Feb, 07, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201907

Brazil’s live cattle exports reached 790,000 heads in 2018, up from 407,000 the previous year, according to Secex data. Turkey is still Brazil’s main live cattle destination, even after the Turkish authority allegedly found an anthrax strain in almost all the 3,959 heads exported in August. More than two thirds of total exports were shipped to Turkey.

Other major destinations are Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq and Jordan. One of the reasons Arabic countries prefer live-cattle over fresh meat is due to their strict halal requirements.

Prior to 2014, Venezuela was the largest export destination; sales to this market have since collapsed due to the country’s severe economic problems. The following DataLiner graph shows Brazil’s 10-year live cattle exports trend against exports to Turkey and Venezuela: 

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