exportações de carne bovina

Brazilian market share in Chinese beef imports reaches 40%

Dec, 21, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202251

China, the global leader in terms of beef imports, is responsible for more than 30% of world demand.

In 2022 alone, according to data from China Customs, the Asian giant acquired about 2.49 million tonnes of this protein. Of this total, Brazil was responsible for supplying 987 thousand tonnes (39.7%). Considering the month of November alone, the Brazilian market share in Chinese beef imports exceeded 47%.

Even without computing December imports, these numbers show that China has already imported the largest volume of beef protein in its history in spite of logistical problems created by the Covid-19 pandemic.

See below the volume of beef (hs 0201) exported from Brazil to China between Jan 2019 and Oct 2022, according to the DataLiner market intelligence service by Datamar.

Brazilian beef exports to China | Jan 2019 – Oct 2022 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

It is important to note that the dominance of Brazilian protein in this market creates a perception of mutual dependence between both countries, which strengthens Brazil’s position in the event of a global economic slowdown and a consequent drop in Chinese imports.

Source: Notícias Agrícolas

To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.noticiasagricolas.com.br/noticias/boi/336622-china-customs-market-share-brasileiro-nas-importacoes-de-carne-bovina-da-china-chega-a-cerca-de-40-nos-primeiros-11-meses-de-2022.html#.Y6L_bHbMLIU

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