
Brazilian Navy sinks Stella Banner off coast of Maranhão

Jun, 12, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202024

On Friday, June 12th, the Brazilian Navy sunk the merchant ship, Stella Banner, which was stranded off the coast of Maranhão for three months due to a crack in its hull. The vessel was carrying iron ore belonging to Vale.  The cargo was removed before the procedure.

According to the 4th Naval District, the procedure occurred at around 10 am and followed international environmental safety standards. The operation was carried out after the ship was towed to a deepwater region.  The Navy also said that a team will be kept in the area for three days to monitor any objects that may come off the ship and prevent oil stains from spreading. An aircraft contracted by the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama), will also continue on site.

Source: Agência Brasil

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